Sushi Cake

This was posted on Tastemade Japan. All recipes put here are for my own reference, as I need to cook everyday in Minerva.

Screenshot 2016-04-19 15.43.05


  • (sushi rice)
  • 2 cups cooked Japanese rice
  • 3 1/2 tbsp rice vinegar
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 4 types ( 160 g ) of your favorite sashimi (tuna, squid, salmon, etc) – I prefer shrimps, squids and octopuses over fish myself
  • 1 avocado
  • 3 1/2 oz. smoked salmon
  • 6 perilla leaves (tía tô in Vietnamese)
  • (decoration)
  • 4 thinly sliced cucumber strips
  • 4 slices salmon
  • 1 tbsp salmon roe (ikura)
  • sliced egg omelette


  1. Combine together rice vinegar, sugar and salt in a small bowl and mix well. Add mixture to hot cooked rice and mix well to evenly distribute seasonings throughout rice.
  2. Dice cut the various sashimi fish and set aside.
  3. Line bottom of 6-inch cake pan with diced sashimi pieces.
  4. Put 1/3 of the sushi rice on top of the sashimi pieces, smoothing out the surface so that it’s nice and flat.
  5. Arrange pirella leaves on the rice, followed by the smoked salmon.
  6. Put 1/2 the remaining rice on top and smooth out the surface.
  7. Top with avocado.
  8. Add the rest of the rice on top and flatten.
  9. Let it rest for 10 minutes.
  10. Flip it over onto a serving plate. Top with salmon, cucumber strips, sliced egg omelette and salmon roe.

I think I still need video demonstration

Ready now? 

Bon appetit!


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